markdown generator

markdown generator

Austin’s usability notes:

  • the old notebooks and not-fully-implemented code for ORCID->Bibtex->TSV->MD page pipeline are either in subfolders archaic or deprecated, since they do not fully work.

  • Currently (20250103), the way I barely have it working to make the Publications pages is:
    1. Enter your conda env
    2. MANUALLY edit and check your publications.tsv. Note that MS Excel inserts non UTF8 chars, etc.
    3. Run python, which uses the TSV file to recreate the appropriate MD page files in ../_publications.
      • I have commented out the code which formerly added duplicates of information being inserted into the MD files themselves (such as adding MD-file-body content providing a link to the citation).
      • Instead of adding extra content to the MD-file-body itself, you should probably make edits to the templating system that writes HTML from the MD-file-header contents, using the templating in ../_layouts, ../_includes, etc.
  • The Talk templating has much less functionality than the publications, so it’s probably easier to add content using